Types of Bias Motivated Incidents
Bias motivated incidents involve a wide variety of activities, but each incident seems to
fall into one of the following seven general categories:
- Cross Burning: Incidents in this category include crosses put on the victim’s
property or in a public area and are designed to intimidate or threaten
individuals, groups, or organizations. On some occasions the crosses were lit on fire and on others they
were not.
- Swastika Graffiti: Incidents in this category include the spray painting of
a swastika or swastikas on property, including a residence, other building, or public property.
- General Graffiti: This includes general spray-painting/defacing of private or public property with
bias-related symbols or slogans.
- Harassment: Incidents in this category include all physical or
verbal harassment except murder or attempted murder. Shouting racial slurs at a person or assaulting an
individual are examples.
- Murder: This category includes all murders and attempted murders.
- Public Demonstration: This includes different types of public
demonstrations such as protests, picketing, and rallies designed to intimidate or threaten individuals, groups, or organizations.
- Ku Klux Klan Activity: This category includes Klan rallies, distribution of Klan materials,
and Klan related violence.
- Violent Assault: Includes incidents in which one party physically attacks another with bias-related
- Discrimination: This includes bias motivated incidents of unfair treatment of a party, such as in
housing or employment.
- Property Damage: This category includes bias motivated damage of property, such as vandalism,
excluding graffiti.
- Social Media: Posting of generally biased social media content without making a direct threat or having a specific individual target.